Our idv60 Basic Property Tour Package is a full-motion marketing video recommended for lots, patio homes, townhomes and villa units. Your order will include links that you can email to clients or add to vacation rental websites and video embed codes for use on your website. Listing agents will also receive free promotion of their Property Tour plus (3) still video shots on www.idvtours.com for additional exposure and leads. Market your vacation rentals with web videos to give your clients the experience of a tour — without the “fish-eye” distortion of virtual 360 tours!
$250 Standard Price – $225 Subscriber Price **
12 months of free web hosting
($10/month after the first 12 months)
DVD Duplication:
Purchase a duplication license to create
legal copies of your Property Tour DVD for distribution at open houses or other
sales events, or contact us about
our DVD Duplication Services!
** Subscribers to our idv Community Tours receive discounts on all Property Tours, and the relevant Community, City & Regional Tours may be added to your DVD (if ordered). Posting of our videos on high-traffic real estate websites may require an additional $50 fee to cover high download volumes.